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Main Components of a Blast Machine

The process sandblasting is used to achieve a number of results by propelling fine, abrasive materials at high velocities. This process is used to get an improved surface of the material. The uses of sandblasting include deburring and cleaning, removing paint and coating, and shot-peening.
In the industrial profession, pressure blasting machines are used for cleaning, to control corrosion, and prepare a good quality surface of the products. There are multi-purpose machines too. These machines require skills and safety precaution to operate them.
The blast-port is responsible for maintaining the required pressure for blasting. Depending upon the productivity need, these ports vary in sizes. Nozzles help accelerate the sir or the abrasive used when the mixture takes an exit the end of the blast hose. The pattern and the velocity of the abrasive exiting the nozzle hose is directly dependent on the taper and inlet length of the nozzle.
 The blast port is responsible for maintaining the required pressure for blasting. Depending upon the productivity need, these ports vary in sizes. Nozzles help accelerate the sir or the abrasive used when the mixture takes an exit the end of the blast hose. The pattern and the velocity of the abrasive exiting the nozzle hose is directly dependent on the taper and inlet length of the nozzle.
 The two valves, the inlet valve, and the outlet valve are fitted in the machine to control the inflow and outflow of the air. These two valves also determine whether the pot is pressurized.
The media valve responsible for the regulation of abrasive flow from the pot is located at the bottom of the machine. It has two inlets. One for abrasive and the other is for air. It has one outlet for the mixture of air and abrasive. They are available in both types- automatic and manual.
 The abrasive tap is the component that prevents the abrasive to travel through the outlet valve as this valve is for air only.
A blast machine has a number of hoses including twin-line hoses, blast hose, and an 18-inch hose.