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What is Tapping?

Tapping is the term used in the manufacturing industry for the process of producing screw threads. Tapping is for producing a cut and form in the female part of the mating pair. Example of a female portion of a mating pair is a bolt in the nut-bolt pair. So, when a tap is used to form a thread is called tapping.  
One way of doing tapping is by the manual way called manual tapping. But this way is not that can give a perfect tap for screw threading. In manual tapping a perfect perpendicularly aligned female part.
The alternate is bench tapping. Bench tapping consumes less space and delivers accurate results. A shaft drives the machine and there is a strong frame for holding the tapping shaft. A gear rotates the shaft which is fitted to a tap holder. The machine bed consists of a workpiece holder. This tapping machine delivers accurate and perpendicularly aligned tapping. Machine tapping is faster.