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Automation, IoT, data to improve better operations.

While we talk about the internet, we border ourselves to email transactions,  searches, and online sale and purchase. This is not what industrial internet should barrier up to. Obviously, it can enhance our physical assets (machines assets). We pay attention to the technologies and we do spend time on data collection but we miss the importance of analytics that can leverage our business. We should target on achieving operational excellence in our organization rather than worrying more about things.
Industrial automation naturally plays its role in improving organizational improvements. So is the Internet of things do. Yes, manufacturing operations should improve physical assets. Waste removal, improving supply chain, taking our operations to LEAN level on the industrial floor are the main concerns of the industrial management. But saying this we should also put some steps ahead of the concern of cost-cutting, tightening conversion and execution costs, improving inventory levels.
The target of industrial internet strategies should be to deepen data analysis. Those who break down and improve the organizational process, data collection across operations get smarter and bigger operational dividends.
Industrial internet of things (IIoT) and Industrial automation can generate opportunities in cost-saving practices. But, at the same time, we should consider controlling data, and protecting it from theft or misuse.
Working on automation, IoT, data need to imply a wider perspective to enrich the industrial culture. It will not only improve one’s organizational economy but ultimately enhance the national economy.